Saturday, February 23, 2013

Week 4: Anti-Drug Advertisement

Found via google images. This advertisement takes a stance of anti-smoking. It what ways does this ad show it's stance against smoking? What audience is the ad trying to reach? How does this ad persuade it's intended audience?


  1. I am responding to Casey's questions. This advertisement takes a stance against smoking by inferring that a person's beauty is enough to take a nation's breath away as opposed to smoking. The inference in this advertisement is that smoking can take your breath away with each inhalation and ultimately lead to one's own demise. This advertisement is directed mostly towards people, who already smoke, and people who are considering picking up the habit of smoking. This advertisement reaches its intended audience by the quote that gives the readers some insight into the harms and hazards that are correlated with smoking. Overall, I feel that this advertisement was mostly effective because it shows a genuine person, no model or overly exaggerated heavy smoker, but a real average human being. The most powerful piece of this advertisement to me was the quote; although, the woman and look on her face couple the quote splendidly.

    1. I completely agree with you Trevor. I really like that the look on the woman's face and the quote shows how she desires to be beautiful and that she doesn't need smoking to help to accomplish this. The image of an typical woman's face helps connect to the audience and the "we don't need smoke to take a nation's breath away" quote gives us the nice feeling that we are already beautiful the way we are, without smoking. What woman doesn't want to feel beautiful? I like the pathos of this ad. :)

  2. I am responding to prompt number 1. This ad is obviously an anti-smoking ad, but it has more depth when the rhetoric is examined. The girl being depicted in the poster or ad has a very powerful look in her eyes. This is important in that it is telling the reader determination and drive can lead one to success in may ways. With a face and look like that, an emotional connection can be made a little bit easier. Secondly, the ad uses a bit or irony to enhance the meaning of the message. As an anti-smoking ad, it is ironic that the ad uses taking breath away in a bad way, when the message in the ad is showing someone who is successful. In the ad, taking breath away is referring to impressing people and being meaningful, where as the literal meaning of the anti smoking slogan is taking about a negative effect on the heart. By doing this, the health factor can be related to success; if one can beat the smoking effects and habits, then success can definitely ensue. Lastly, color can be very important in revealing the important parts. The white in her eyes is very powerful, and this draws readers to the eyes. In doing so, one is very focused on the look of the determined face. As mentioned, this look goes a long way in depicting the meaning, and the coloring in and around the meaningful area is very helpful. In all, the rhetoric of this images provides a deeper meaning; one that uses smaller hints to relay the bigger message of anti-smoking.

    1. I agree with what Jacob said about the powerful presence of the eyes in this ad. To me, that was the first thing that suck out to me when I looked at the ad. The author did so to create a connection between the viewer and the person portrayed in the ad. The viewer feels as if though they can communicated directly with the person in the ad, simply by looking into their eyes. This then helps to make the words in the ad more powerful, and ultimately the effect of the ad is stronger.
